Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Brandon Davies

Ok, so it is now all over the national news why Brandon got the boot from the team.   At first I was very upset about it.  BYU seemed to be using him as their poster child and I still think that they are but now wait a minute.  If you are going to be in the spotlight you need to be able to take the good with bad.  I was talking earlier in the day with my friend Mike Bastian.   He and I were talking about Officer Mark Peterson who was fired from Provo PD for some stupid things.  Mike said,  "we all will be knocked off our high horse sooner or later."   I thought it was kinda  De Javu when I later heard about Brandon that same evening. 
   Now back to Davies.    I have known him since he was 8!    He is a neat kid.   He spent his senior year living in our house.  He had his own bedroom.   Julie and I would try to talk to Brandon about accountability and he would blow us off.  Not big lectures just little things and he would have nothing to do with it.   We even tried chores and he would really bug out and be gone for a few days,  usually to Tui's, home, or Kyle's.  Eventually he would return and the cycle would start over.   ACCOUNTABILITY would always come up and Brandon would have NOTHING to do with it.    Brandon is a very talented person,  I would love to ask Carrie Jenkins (BYU spokesperson) if she knew anything about him outside of basketball and the nemesis honor code?   Well has she seen him play the guitar or piano?  Pretty awesome!  Has she seen him ride a bike, BACKWARDS? Incredible!  Has she seen him ride a skateboard?, doing a manual?  (on the front two wheels for over a city block? Unreal!   Doing backflips on the trampoline?   Over and over and over......?  Well I have seen him do all of this and many more amazing things.      Well, now for the softer side of me,  I was nearly in tears after a few days of hearing about the suspension.  It was quite literally tears of joy for I knew that Carrie Jenkins was being an answer to my prayers in suspending Brandon.   He will be fine.  Now Brandon, get up off of the floor, wipe off the dirt, and get back to work.   You have many more people to impress.   Thanks for all of the laughs!

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