Well Brian Mitchell is found guilty today and it sounds like he will get what he deserves. I certainly hope that the Mr. Ed Smart will go back to his little corner and be quiet. I think he has gotten way more than his 15 minutes on this one, not to downplay what was done to his sweet little daughter. I remember seeing the three all dressed in white robes walking southbound on S. State Street in Provo. I remember driving by them while heading to juvenile court and thinking what in the heck is the world coming to? I had the feeling that it needed to be investigated, what kind of freaks are walking through "my" city, but I wouldn't want to be late for court. So I go on into court and end up waiting for almost an hour before my case was called. I often wonder if any pain would have been spared had I acted. I do know that the FEDS would not have been involved since she would not have crossed state lines.
Be careful with the accquaintences you bring into your own home.